Terms And Conditions

This is a web based service operated by PLA Media that makes it easy for you to purchase and subscribe to print and digital editions of magazines and other publications using the internet.

By clicking "Pay Now" on your subscription order form, you are agreeing to purchase a digital subscription to, or a single digital issue of, your chosen publication, as indicated on the relevant form. You:

  • Instruct PLA Media to use the contact information and order details you entered on the subscription form for the purpose of providing digital access to your chosen publication or following up incorrect usage of your subscription.
  • Acknowledge that prices quoted are inclusive of delivery costs (but exclusive of any charges for internet access or mobile data network transmissions).
  • Agree that any errors made in entering the contact information and order details on the subscription form are your responsibility and PLA Media is not responsible for any consequences of such errors or incorrect information.
  • Agree that PLA Media and its employees and agents will not be liable to you or any other person for any loss, injury or damage arising from or as a consequence of any act or omission by PLA Media, its employees or agents.
  • May at any time request to cancel a magazine subscription purchased on the PLA Media site. Simply notify Magshop by emailing magshop@magshop.com.au detailing your name, order number, the magazine subscription to be cancelled and your reason for cancelling, and we will endeavour to action your request within 5 working days after receipt. We will consider whether to provide you with a refund of the proportion of the cost of subscription relating to those magazines not received by you prior to the date that your request is actioned. In no circumstances will you receive a refund for a magazine received by you (whether in print or digital form).
  • In order to purchase magazines through the PLA Media website, you will need to establish an account. Don't reveal your password or other account information to anyone else, as you are responsible for all activities that occur through your account. If you're concerned that the security of your account has been compromised, contact PLA Media immediately on pla.wordsmith@bigpond.com
  • Agree that the following additional terms apply to magazines purchased through the PLA Media site:
    1. All sales of digital magazines are final. If a magazine becomes unavailable following a transaction but before you can download it, your sole remedy is a refund. If technical problems prevent or unreasonably delay delivery of your magazine, your sole remedy is either replacement or a refund, at PLA Media’s discretion. This clause does not affect your statutory rights.
    2. All digital content provided to you through the PLA Media site is for your private, non-commercial use only. You must not rent, lease,lend, sell, transfer or redistribute that content, or make it available over a network where it could be used by multiple users/devices at the same time.
    3. You are entitled to view digital editions of publications that you have subscribed to on a maximum of 2 devices per subscription. If a publication is viewed on a third or subsequent device then PLA Media may cancel your subscription without refund or require you to purchase additional subscriptions.
    4. PLA Media reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily following a transaction but before you can download it, your sole remedy is a refund. If technical problems prevent or unreasonably delay delivery of your magazine, your sole remedy is either replacement or a refund, at PLA Media’s discretion. This clause does not affect your statutory rights.private, non-commercial use only. You must not rent, lease, lend, sell, transfer or redistribute that content, or make it available over a network where it could be used by multiple users/devices at the same time.
  • Agree that all offers made, contracts concluded and services provided through the PLA Media Site shall be deemed to be made and provided in South Australia, Australia notwithstanding the location of you or the publisher of any magazine, shall be governed exclusively by South Australian law, and the Courts of South Australia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any such matters involving or alleged to involve PLA Media.
  • Agree that your name, address and email address shall, when provided by you, be used and disclosed by PLA Media in accordance with the Privacy Policy contained on the PLA Media Site.
  • Consent to (a) the receipt of emails from PLA Media containing information and offers about products and services available on the PLA Media site in which you may have an interest.
  • Acknowledge that these Standard Subscription T&Cs may be modified from time to time, and agree that you are responsible for regularly reviewing these Standard Subscription T&Cs, and you agree to any such modification.
  • Agree that, to the extent permitted by law, PLA Media and/or its suppliers exclude all liability for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever including without limitation, damages for loss of life, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the PLA Media Site, the delay or inability to use the PLA Media Site, the provision of or failure to provide goods or services, or any information, software, products or services obtained through the PLA Media Site. Note that you may have rights under statutory consumer protection laws, including the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2010 (Cth), and these Standard Subscription T&Cs are subject to any rights you may have under such laws.
  • Declare that you are over 18 years of age, or if you are not 18 years of age, that you have parental consent to make this purchase.
  • Copyright - Peter Argent - PLA Media on behalf of the Barracker and other publications ABN 43034974289

    The contents of this site can NOT be used in any way without the express written permission of the owners.

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